
Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Yitch
  • Breda, Noord-Brabant

Yitch provides automation and digitization of manufacturing processes through consulting, engineering, staffing and maintenance.

However, we are NOT an ordinary automation company.
Yitch aims to help companies keep production and consumption as close to one another as possible, in order to ensure not only medium-term output, but above all job security for future generations.


Yitch https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/451382690d9b8b75c05f5c329fc0ef53f0a204bb5dd6bfc4.jpg https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/451382690d9b8b75c05f5c329fc0ef53f0a204bb5dd6bfc4.jpg
4814RS Breda Noord-Brabant NL