Catena Distribution

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Catena Distribution
  • Loosdrecht, Noord-Holland

Catena Distribution, active since January 2018. The founders of Catena Distribution have more
than 15 years of experience in successfully managing, planning and executing international
trade projects as well as global business models in the segment of import and export of brands
into divergent markets in Europe and Asia.
Catena is the Latin word for link. Thats exactly what Catena Distribution stands for: The
connection between brand / supplier and end user. This all from a marketing and branding
point of view. The core markets are in Europe and China. The strengths and expertise of the
founders lies in marketing, branding, supply, B2C (offline online) and B2B, the company has
more than 180 employees worldwide.


Catena Distribution
1231KH Loosdrecht Noord-Holland NL