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  • Wereldhave
  • Schiphol-Rijk, Noord-Holland

Wereldhave contributes to a happy and comfortable daily life for everyone. We do this by investing in Full Service Platforms, consisting of Full Service Centers supported by smart (digital) services. A one-stop for shopping, socializing, eating, relaxing, health and fitness, work and other daily needs. By enriching communities while protecting the environment, we have a positive impact on how people live, work and shop.


Wereldhave https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/255161842f7d03a19396a4feaff6ece21a65d6c9d8a300dc.png https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/255161842f7d03a19396a4feaff6ece21a65d6c9d8a300dc.png
1118BH Schiphol-Rijk Noord-Holland NL