Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland

ZENOLOGY is originated in the hospitality industry. We are determent to bringing hotel luxury home through sensible, luxurious, quality beauty and lifestyle products with the right impact and service.

Our guiding principle is to care consider; We are passionate about being environmentally responsible and delivering a conscious product.
We have always been committed to be at the forefront of sustainability in the luxury market, keeping our eyes open to the latest developments in the field, continuously striving to be as green as possible.


ZENOLOGY https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/df2160d05976bf45f978b2bf300f48d931e436c0689eaa22.jpg https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/df2160d05976bf45f978b2bf300f48d931e436c0689eaa22.jpg
1019AG Amsterdam Noord-Holland NL