Diamond V

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Diamond V
  • Assen, Drenthe

Company Profile:
Headquartered in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Diamond V is a leading global nutrition and health company, conducting research in multiple species, and manufacturing natural, nutritional health products to improve animal health, animal performance, and food safety worldwide. More than 70 years of science, innovation, technology, and quality have earned Diamond V the reputation of The Trusted Experts in Nutrition and Health. The European Business Unit is housed in Assen, The Netherlands.

Contact to discuss this vacancy:
Chris van Anne, MBA
Managing Director - European Business Unit
Spanjelaan 12 | 9403 DP Assen | Nederland
E: [email protected]
M: +31 6 15044890


Diamond V
9403DP Assen Drenthe NL