Activitree Technologies

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Activitree Technologies
  • Maastricht, Limburg

Our mission is bring people together in real life over similiar interests.
We believe that your social life should not be limited to the people you already know in the city; you should be able to go out and do what you love EVERY day. Activitree strives to create matches between people with similiar interest, so whether you already have a large social circle or you just started building one, Activitree is there for you every step of the way.

We know that there are a ton of social apps out there already. Our mission is beyond creating connections in the app. We want people to meet in real life as fast and as often as possible. We hope Activitree can help to meet people of the same interest to be more approachable and open for everyone.


Activitree Technologies
6211CP Maastricht Limburg NL