
Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • ElmDoc
  • Amstelveen, Noord-Holland

We believe that many medical services can be delivered digitally and provide both patients and medical professionals with a virtual environment and tools that facilitate the transformation of healthcare into a digital space. We are a small company with great ambitions and a proven track record of local implementations that we want to bring to a global scale. Working for a startup company has its challenges, but its fun, exciting, and breathtaking. Give it a try!


ElmDoc https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/62eca870828dd06a86f4df35f63a03c269b4469e4b6ee11a.png https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/62eca870828dd06a86f4df35f63a03c269b4469e4b6ee11a.png
1187VL Amstelveen Noord-Holland NL