OGP Resources

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OGP Resources
  • OGP Resources
  • Schiphol-Rijk, Noord-Holland

Global specialists in energy transition

The changing energy arena calls for a fresh approach and flexible and innovative solutions. As part of the Engie group, OGP resources is an independent full service provider in engineering and technical HR consulting, bringing global solutions to meet local demands.

OGP Resources brings knowledge to the ever changing energy market. The traditional Oil, Gas and Power industry is rapidly changing from both a technical and an HR perspective.

To make sure that future projects can make use of the knowledge that is out there, OGP Resources supplies knowledge through its wide base of consultants with compliant HR solutions. We make sure that you can work globally and be in sync locally.


OGP Resources https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/fae1859b78698ea5007e13832700e63e_ogp-logo-zonder-pay-offgif.gif https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/fae1859b78698ea5007e13832700e63e_ogp-logo-zonder-pay-offgif.gif
1118CL Schiphol-Rijk Noord-Holland NL