HB Leisure

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

HB Leisure
  • HB Leisure
  • Biddinghuizen, Flevoland

HBLs main business is the operation of skill games fun games that are played for prizes e.g. Knock over the cans or Land the ball in the basket.

We work in partnership with major theme parks and attractions, fully managing their skill games operations by providing:
top quality, fully themed games and prizes
experienced HBL managers and trained staff, running all day-to-day games operations

As well as operating skill games, HB Leisure is also a major player in the Family Arcades sector, seeing strong growth in and outside the UK since opening our first premises in North Wales in 1932.


HB Leisure https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/4ccaacf5d809d01698b95d30870da34fce6f68e47bec1163.png https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/4ccaacf5d809d01698b95d30870da34fce6f68e47bec1163.png
8256RJ Biddinghuizen Flevoland NL