Eversports NL

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

Eversports NL
  • Eversports NL
  • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland

Our hearts are burning for sport in all its facets and for the many opportunities that the digital world brings with it. We at Eversports are an international, dynamic team that works hard, has fun and shares a great vision: Make SPORTS happen.

Eversports offers modern and innovative SaaS solutions for sports providers and studios. On our online platform and through our apps (iOS and Android), athletes can find, book and pay for the sports activities, classes and courses offered in their area.


Eversports NL https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/12a150247151b18c1012667ceedd5794bbb933a4253df9ff.jpg https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/12a150247151b18c1012667ceedd5794bbb933a4253df9ff.jpg
1017RS Amsterdam Noord-Holland NL