
Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • WhiteTable
  • Haarlem, Noord-Holland

We are WT interactive, an entrepreneurial creative agency that develops interactive concepts and high-end storytelling for various major brands. We translate any story into physical and audio-visual experiences to bridge the gap between the consumer and the brand. You can find our concepts in retail, at events and in experience centers. Both online and offline. Our expertise in the field of interactive concepting, intuitive interface design, animated content and the capacity for actual implementation are the foundation of our agency.


WhiteTable https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/407c75de2b08d3f123e09e94c275bbc133f059bfb14dae43.gif https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/407c75de2b08d3f123e09e94c275bbc133f059bfb14dae43.gif
2021HM Haarlem Noord-Holland NL