Polproduct Netherlands

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Polproduct Netherlands
  • Polproduct Netherlands
  • Zundert, Noord-Brabant

Polproduct is providing the food industry with raw material for fruit preparation, jam, yoghurt, ice-cream, bakery, freeze-dry. We are a growing company because there are more people every day that like to eat good quality fruit products to improve their health and to feel good. Polproduct is an ambitious team, eager to find new ways to continuously improve quality and look for the best fit for our customers. For that reason we have built a brand new puree line in Zundert to give local fruit an added value and not to waste any fresh fruit.


Polproduct Netherlands https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/95504a70c66b3a7ecb339947ef3ea0a624097bb5c582c54c.png https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/95504a70c66b3a7ecb339947ef3ea0a624097bb5c582c54c.png
4881DR Zundert Noord-Brabant NL