Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant

Technology means progress. Continually finding ways to do things differently, to improve products, services, and processes. That is what makes the heart of every technology organization and tech professional beat faster. In the projects, they are working on, but also for themselves. That means something different for each individual. For one person, it means being guided to their dream project; for the other, it means developing their skills. Making that possible is the human touch. And that is what makes our heart beat faster.

ENTER specializes in multiple competencies: Chemical, Electronics, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Physics, Production Development, and Software Technology.

ENTERs professionals work with our partners and customers on a project basis. We select and match projects and employees by focusing on experience, ambitions, personality, and, of course, a passion for technology. Communication and writing skills also play a role in making the ideal match.

Our account managers and recruiters work closely together, making sure we have the right colleagues available for our customers at the right time. We also offer our employees a broad career perspective.



ENTER https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/c151c0844fcc443ce4c51f92f09ee30c2c328e43910a159a.png https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/c151c0844fcc443ce4c51f92f09ee30c2c328e43910a159a.png
5653MA Eindhoven Noord-Brabant NL