Lekker Bikes

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Lekker Bikes
  • Lekker Bikes
  • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland

LEKKER is not just a bike brand, it makes a touch of Amsterdam accessible world wide. Get your piece and own it.

LEKKER is for those who take a pioneering role in life(style) and colour outside the lines. open, curious, free spirits. People who aim to live their full potential. self made, not being led by choices others expect them to take. Adventurous, gutsy and always in for a little fun (with kindred spirits).

Amsterdam Bravoure, Cheekiness and sense of freedom are the catalyst of our mission to get the world moving. We simply call it Branie.


Lekker Bikes https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/985b7b7cb24e42eb366849c27cebd814a324ef1680e18427.jpg https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/985b7b7cb24e42eb366849c27cebd814a324ef1680e18427.jpg
1053SB Amsterdam Noord-Holland NL