speak it

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • speak it
  • Hoofddorp, Noord-Holland

We are a recruitment and staffing agency with a focus on multilingual jobs for the customer agent and tech sectors. Speakit started in the summer of 2019 with a vision to find talents and connect them with job opportunities all around Europe.

To start with, speakit strives for excellence both towards their candidates and their clients, by cooperating with multinational companies such as Webhelp, Teleperformance, Ttec, Salescode, e-value and 24-7 in touch.

Our main priority is our candidates experience! With the utmost respect to your needs aspirations, we guide you through the whole process and help you take the next step in your career.

We give you the opportunity to live new experiences, meet new people, and develop new skills. We have created a European multilingual community, consisting of candidates, clients, and partners that share the same values interests. Career development, traveling exploring new lands, is what freedom means to us.

We strive for excellence both towards our candidates and our clients, by cooperating with multinational companies that are leaders in their field and entail an employer of choice for our candidates.


speak it
2135CH Hoofddorp Noord-Holland NL