
Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Vanan
  • Den Haag, Zuid-Holland

Vanan believes in the power of prevention: prevention is better than cure. From this holistic view on health and beauty, we like to share the benefits of Indian herbal medicine and offer herbal solutions for various health problems. We have a wide range of products, ranging from herbal supplements to multi-herbal formulas to support healthy body functions. Vanan is not standing still, and also has a line for pain management and an all-natural cosmetics line in development. And because nature is the basis for our products, we emphasize sustainability and eco-friendliness in our operations. We have therefore developed all of our products to be biodegradable and environmentally friendly. Vanan is also completely vegan, halal and kosher and free from animal testing.


2514BA Den Haag Zuid-Holland NL