HR ProjectPartners

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HR ProjectPartners
  • HR ProjectPartners
  • Schiedam, Zuid-Holland

From our first day in 2004, our core business has been about connecting people.

We help professionals to find an interesting and challenging job, where their ambition, motivation and experience come fully into their own. Working at HRPP means working for a reliable and trusted employer in which people are central. In addition to a safe and healthy working environment, HRPP also creates a trusted environment in which different cultures are respected and everyone is treated equally.

We help companies to expand their business in a fast and successful way. Hire the right professional ensures the continuity and growth of the company and its business. We at HRPP have a long term vision, a flexible attitude and the willingness to think along. Essential for a good and solid relationship with our clients. Working with HRPP means doing business with a knowledgeable supplier who is dedicated to find you the best professionals on the market, within the set time and budget.

HRPP is using a no-nonsense approach. A clear, honest and transparent way of communicating, with mutual respect. Every day we work hard for our employees and clients, always strive to deliver the highest quality and maximum satisfaction in everything we do. An authentic Rotterdam company with a ditto work mentality, operating on an international scale.

This is HRPP, we cant wait to meet you!


HR ProjectPartners
Schiedam Zuid-Holland NL