Delpharm Development Leiden

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Delpharm Development Leiden
  • Delpharm Development Leiden
  • Leiden, Zuid-Holland

A major player for more than 35 years in the subcontracted drug production market, DELPHARM has experienced a sustained development of its turnover, which now reaches nearly 1 billion euros per year, and employs more than 6000 people.

European leader and among the top 5 of the worlds generalists, DELPHARM owns today 17 factories and a development center and has the ambition to supply all forms of drugs with the level of quality, punctuality and economic performance necessary to satisfy the pharmaceutical laboratories of the whole world.

DELPHARM differentiates itself by its operating principles: to make its employees grow, to give them an interest in doing well, to make them responsible for serving the customer in the long term. This approach, which contributes to creating a sound work environment favorable to the development of each individual, has been rewarded in 2019 by the Best Employer label in France.

For more information please visit our website:


Delpharm Development Leiden
2333CL Leiden Zuid-Holland NL