TradeWiz Solutions

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TradeWiz Solutions
  • TradeWiz Solutions
  • Amstelhoek, Utrecht

TradeWiz is a consultancy and software provider in the trade finance domain

TradeWiz experts have years of high-level experience in the financial sector level. Customer focus and unburdening business are therefore in our DNA. TradeWiz was founded in 2008, driven by the market requirement for further knowledge and innovation in the field of trade finance.

Developed on the basis of considerable practical experience, our Tr8star software has a modular structure. Tr8stars canonical structure renders it readily exchangeable with other applications. This enables us to build an application that is specifically tailored to your requirements and risk profiles, also supplemented with high-level consultancy and project management if required, to vouch for optimum implementation.

As a software developer for TradeWiz you will both enhance our software, and implement and integrate our software for our customers.


TradeWiz Solutions
Amstelhoek Utrecht NL