PANEU Logistics GmbH

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

PANEU Logistics GmbH
  • PANEU Logistics GmbH
  • Numansdorp, Zuid-Holland

PANEU Logistics GmbH offers its customers a wide range of comprehensive solutions for the transport of goods in Europe and Asia. In order to fulfill this task, we use all available logistical options and work closely with our network of service providers throughout Europe and China.

PANEU Logistics GmbH offers its customers a wide range of comprehensive solutions for the transport of goods in Europe and Asia. In order to fulfill this task, we use all available logistical options and work closely with our network of service providers throughout Europe and China.

PANEU Logistics GmbH 总部位于德国杜塞尔多夫,自2021 年初成立以来一直专注于物流运营。作为亚欧之间货物运输的领先专家,我们为客户提供多程联运及仓储等综合物流解决方案。我们是一个年轻、富有活力团队,现诚聘仓库主管一名,欢迎加入!

Magazijnmedewerker (full time) | Warehouse worker, Numansdorp | 仓库工人

Numansdorp - Geen opleiding vereist - 40 uur
PANEU Logistics GmbH

Magazijnmedewerker (full time) | Warehouse worker, Numansdorp

Numansdorp - Geen opleiding vereist - 40 uur
PANEU Logistics GmbH

Warehouse Manager (Full time) in Numansdorp | 仓库主管 (全职)

Numansdorp - Geen opleiding vereist - 40 uur
PANEU Logistics GmbH


PANEU Logistics GmbH
Numansdorp Zuid-Holland NL