LG Sonic

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

LG Sonic
  • LG Sonic
  • Zoetermeer, Zuid-Holland

LG Sonic is green scale-up that provides innovative solutions to the water industry. Our goal is to reduce chemicals in the environment and to be the best algae management company in the world. We apply ultrasound technology to control algae blooms. This is done in combination with real time water quality monitoring and remote sensing.

We have a unique company culture where people have a winner mentality and that can-solve attitude. That means a lot of freedom but also responsibility in your job. We are fast-growing so we are almost always looking for new people to join our cause.


LG Sonic https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/557f3a315311f59f077bad6e58c751099c9f99b25e5fede4.jpg https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/557f3a315311f59f077bad6e58c751099c9f99b25e5fede4.jpg
2718TA Zoetermeer Zuid-Holland NL