Celestia STS

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

Celestia STS
  • Celestia STS
  • Noordwijk (ZH), Zuid-Holland

Celestia Satellite Test Simulation BV (C‐STS) provides innovative high‐tech solutions to the international space community to support satellite development, assembly integration and test as well as post launch and operational services. C‐STS operates from it office in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

What we do:
Our core activities include the design, development and support of high‐complexity electronics‐based systems. These include products for Satellite Simulation Test (Electrical Ground Support Equipment), TTC TM/TC Systems, Modems (RF and Optical) as well as Data Processors. Our products are largely developed in‐house by our team of highly‐skilled, hardware, firmware and software engineers.

For more information about our company, our products and activities have a look at our website: www.celestia‐sts.com.

Logistics Administration & Support

Noordwijk (ZH) - MBO - 24 - 40 uur
Celestia STS


Celestia STS https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/00008ebfea7917c44ad72530d22bd70e898376ce1c101cff7a35a875aacd.jpg https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/00008ebfea7917c44ad72530d22bd70e898376ce1c101cff7a35a875aacd.jpg
2201DK Noordwijk (ZH) Zuid-Holland NL