Demir-Halk Bank (Nederland)

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Demir-Halk Bank (Nederland)
  • Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland

Demir-Halk Bank (Nederland) N.V. (DHB Bank) is owned by HCBG Holding BV (70%), which was established in the Netherlands, and by Trkiye Halk Bankasi A.S. (30%), whose 75.29% shares belong to Turkey Wealth Fund and 24.70% shares are listed on the Istanbul stock exchange. DHB Bank operates according to the regulations of the Dutch Central Bank through 7 offices in major cities in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and Turkey.

DHB Bank is a Dutch bank that plays a unique role within the European financial community. Our retail banking business provides our customers with a wide range of essential deposit and savings accounts, including personal loans. But we also have an important, specialised area of expertise: delivering finance services to Turkish commercial ventures abroad and/or to their European business partners.

Our business is centered on clients first principles. Furthermore, all our clients - both individual and corporate - benefit from our innovative, solution-oriented financial advice and services that can be tailored to specific needs.

In addition, we are exploring further diversification opportunities in the European Economic Area alongside cooperation with multinational banks.


Demir-Halk Bank (Nederland)
3014DA Rotterdam Zuid-Holland NL