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  • Changeroo
  • Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland

Changeroo is a platform and web application for impact-driven organisations to build a learning culture toward optimizing societal value creation. A SaaS solution focused on visualisation and co-creation of highly-effective impact strategies, grounded in Theory of Change thinking.

Our target customers and partners include development organisations, social enterprises, charities, government agencies, foundations, impact investors... Potentially, any impact-driven or purpose-driven organisation seeking real change.

-- Theory of Change thinking is an important counter movement to a growing trend toward populism, quick-fixes, good intentions without reflection, and opinions without substance.

Changeroo is a social enterprise and start-up, the idea for which started a couple of years back. Together with a consortium of partners we built our prototype, and are now forming our team to turn this into a world-class MVP.

Are you the expert high performer always looking to excel? Join our small team, make your mark, and become part of an amazing journey toward positive impact on a global scale!


3013BR Rotterdam Zuid-Holland NL