Arctic Basecamp Foundation

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Arctic Basecamp Foundation
  • Arctic Basecamp Foundation
  • Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland

Arctic Basecamp is a unique high-profile science solutions communication platform created by Professor Gail Whiteman. Our mission is to speak science to power to encourage bold climate action. We work with global scientists and world-class organisations and individuals raising awareness of the global risks from Arctic change and to highlight the urgent need for scalable solutions to climate change.

We have a proven track record at high profile events, such as the WEF Annual Meeting in Davos, and in producing impactful digital events with high profile individuals (Make Earth Cool Again for Davos Agenda 2021).

Arctic Basecamp is an official science partner to the Unite Behind the Science campaign, launched by Christiana Figueres and Greta Thunberg in 2020. This initiative advocates that leaders (including business, civil society and policymakers) take bold action in line with the irrefutable evidence that the world is in a planetary emergency. We work to accelerate a movement for change because we know that what happens in the Arctic doesnt stay in the Arctic.


Arctic Basecamp Foundation
3026GV Rotterdam Zuid-Holland NL