West 8

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West 8
  • West 8
  • Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland

West 8 is an industry-leading design agency working across the fields of urban planning, landscape architecture and infrastructure. Headquartered in Rotterdam, and with offices in Belgium and Philadelphia, West 8 has established itself as a leading practice with an international and multi-disciplinary team of 70 architects, urban designers, landscape architects and industrial engineers. https://www.west8.com/


West 8 https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/8fba1b6fcb6a0d71b4b9fb17bce05b77d53134e71e4bc4d835bfa630bfd6.jpg https://cdn.werkzoeken.nl/logo_groot/8fba1b6fcb6a0d71b4b9fb17bce05b77d53134e71e4bc4d835bfa630bfd6.jpg
Rotterdam Zuid-Holland NL